This is a company for manufacture, maintenance and projecting of signalization equipment. Put signal Ltd. is an organization with long-standing tradition of employees in the field of traffic signalization. It was founded on April 25, 2007. as a new industrial organization. The team are highly motivated, knowledge and skills are much appreciated, and each employee has at least 20 years’ work experience in the area of traffic signalization. With dedicated work and quality service our company has developed successful cooperation with numerous roadwork companies, construction companies, public utilities organizations, and others. We have product placement in this country as well as abroad (Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina).
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General fields of activity are:
-traffic signalization (traffic signs),
-signalization of building sites (for complete security of construction site with vertical and light signalization)
-traffic lights (street lights and devices),
-traffic counter (with data collection and processing),
-traffic signalization for speed control
With long-standing cooperation with foreign companies we ensure our buyers the availability of new products by European and domestic standards.
We also provide advice, training and servicing for our customers.